Word Cloud

 By Vivi

In this post, I will talk about my observations on the image I attached below. This was created by Wordclouds.com, a Dutch Word Cloud generating site that allows you to produce attractive and informative images with ease. To create this, I have used an article by the Gurdian on anti-gender identity. 

From this word cloud, we can see that the repeated words are "gender", "anti-gender", and "ideology." This seems obvious since the whole theme is about anti-gender ideology. I found the word "feminist" interesting to see within the word cloud. According to the article, this is because the LGBTQ+ movement coincided with the feminist movement.  

Butler, J. (2021, October 23). Why is the idea of “gender” provoking backlash the world over? . The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/commentisfree/2021/oct/23/judith-butler-gender-ideology-backlash


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